Sunday, February 3, 2008

Horse back riding with Devin and Brian.

On friday we went to taean beach to clean oil up. After we clean the beach I went to Devin's house with Brian and Devin. We play poketball and we fall in sleep. When we woke up, we went to Osan, where we will ride horse. Devin has his own horse name ownnore. I take care and I road horse name cho rok e. Brian road horse name nul pow run. We all had fun exept Brian. He had fear of horse start when a puppy bite him. He had fear of animal.
We went Devin's house again, and we play some games, because we were tired. After we play poketball and watch movie and eat night meal. Night meal was dried grapes and chocolate. We ate about 50 chocolates. It was coin milk chocolate, but it was so yummy so we can't stop. After We just slept.
We woked up early in morning and we play basketball. I also beat Devin in poketball. In horse back riding, I learn go-bow which horse run like in movie Lee-soon -Shin or Tae-wang-sa-sin-ge. It was so fun. We road horse long and we start heading to home. In lunch, we went to Macdonald diriving through. We ate our lunch in car, and when we reach home, we watch animation movie, and we play board game. When we start, my dad was there. So we had to stop the game and say good bye.
It was really really fun in Devin's house. I get purmision by my mom and Devin's mom that I can go his house 2 times in month. I think it will better when Brian is here too.

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