Sunday, January 27, 2008

Horrible Harry writing.

Harry went to wastebasket to throw yuck frozen Popsicle taste very bad. He ate breakfast with bagel and yogurt. After he ate his breakfast he start to go to his school. When he was in school, librarian Mrs. Michelson tell him to wash his finder, because he picked his nose and in his finger there might be some boogers on it. Harry wiped his finger with towel, and he went to his classroom. The classroom’s windowsills were broken by some children. It was lunch time. He ate bread. He had some leftover so he wrapped and bring it to home again. After lunch he and his friends talk about gold mine in India. They search it in encyclopedia and they found some information of gold mine. It can be found in USA. They try to fine some golds, but they couldn’t find it. They give up and they had some more fun things they ever didn’t played it once.

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