Thursday, October 18, 2007


A flurry of business trip to north Korea expected

My opinion
What I think is we shouldn’t embark each other, because I think we will have worse.
I don;t think we should embark with crazy kim jung ill.

I think we have to be united, because we were one country. But Kim Jung ill said if you want to unite the two country, he will be the one who lead the united Korea.

In 1950-1953 south korea and nonrth korea had fight each others. According to the agreement a special economic district will set up in north korean west coast port city of h, but ae ju and exising joint industrial park in gaeseong will enter the second phase of its development. I don't like to special economic district will built in north korea. Kim jung ill will do something on them.

Also I don't agree to give money or food to north korea, because if we give our food or money, kim jung ill will get that and give to army. Than our south korea will have worse momney in army or thing, but north korea will have more strenth in army. I think Kim jung ill said to civils "you don't have much money to live. If you come to our army, I'll
give you meals and money." so I think there're armies are stronger than our.

If we unite, we wants to be democrecy countryy, but north korea kim jung ill wants communism. Kim jung ill thinks This whole country is his country. It's not his country
it's koreans.

I don't agree Daewoo buildiing built north korea building, because we already gave some moneys to them, but kim jung ill use it to money. He have to built in his company and his money. I think he thinght south korea do everything to me. Kim jung ill said if we didn't help him he will not unite the to country. He keep terrorize our south korea.

I don't agree about things that kim jung ill like. I want to be unite, but when he kept terrorize us, we don't want to be united too.
I wish Kim jung ill die, and good democrecy president in north Korea.

By Sean Hwang

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